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Adult: 5000 HUF Children:  3500 HUF

Eighty thousand visitors viewed the photo exhibition of Brazil's treasures at the Budapest Zoo and Botanical Garden November 2, 2022

In September and October, visitors to Budapest could not only discover the zoo and botanical garden but also enjoy a special photo exhibition, courtesy of the Embassy of Brazil, as they walked from the Main Gate Square.

The travelling photo exhibition, titled The Huge Forest, first debuted in Geneva, organised by the Consulate General of Brazil in Geneva, and was a huge hit, along with the very same exhibition later in Budapest this year. The theme of the exhibition would have been timely at any time, but now a special occasion made it even more so, as Brazil celebrated the 200th anniversary of its independence on the 7th of September, just days before the opening of the exhibition.

The photographs showcased Brazil's typical habitats, biomes, and unique animals and plants, and gave visitors a glimpse into creative projects, largely initiated by NGOs, aimed at preserving wildlife and managing natural resources sustainably. A series of panels of pictures and detailed descriptions led the visitors step by step to the South American animal enclosures, where they could see animals native to Brazil, such as giant otters and giant anteaters.

"The presentation and breeding of indigenous animal species in specific areas is an important mission for the zoo, and of course, it is a significant goal to share with visitors," said Roland Szabó, Director of Operations at the Budapest Zoo and Botanical Garden.

Her Excellency Susan Kleebank, Ambassador of the Federative Republic of Brazil to Hungary, explained that due to the great interest, the aim is to provide the people of Budapest with another exhibition in 2023, with the Zoo's thematic zones and events providing a special environment. In response to a question about next year's photo exhibition, she said that it would probably feature installations grouped around the theme the Amazon rainforest replanting. The main purpose of the exhibition is to showcase Brazil's protected wildlife and treasures and to promote a culture of environmental awareness worldwide.