Contact us

Our address:

1146 Budapest, Állatkerti körút 6-12.
How to get here >>

Mailing address:

Budapesti Állatkert
1371 Budapest 5, Pf.: 469

Our phone numbers:

Central phone number:
+36 1 273 4900
Information line:
+36 1 273 4901

You can also write to us

If you have any questions or complaints, select the appropriate topic and send us a message. Once we receive your message, a colleague will contact you as soon as possible.


General inquiries

For questions or complaints related to general Zoo topics.


Tickets and passes

For questions or complaints related to ticket and pass purchases.



For questions or complaints related to our events or remote exhibitions.

General inquiries

For questions or complaints related to general Zoo topics.

Tickets and passes

For questions or complaints related to ticket and pass purchases.


For questions or complaints related to our events or remote exhibitions.