Margitsziget Mini Zoo
This animal exhibit, sometimes referred to as a game park, has existed since the 1950s, but it has been part of the Budapest Zoo and Botanical Garden only since 2002. By that time, the park had fallen into disrepair, so the city of Budapest completely renovated it that year and entrusted its operation to our Zoo.
On one side of the area is the enclosure for fallow deer, where, in addition to these deer species native to Hungarian forests, wild hares can also hop around freely. This arrangement aims to evoke something of the Margitsziget’s former natural state, or at least the atmosphere of medieval cloister gardens and game parks, which the island once housed. As is well known, during the Middle Ages, this island was called Insula Leporum, or the “Island of Hares”. On the other side of the Mini Zoo, waterfowl and various other ornamental bird species have found their home. In addition to bahama pintails, mandarin ducks, and wood ducks, the chinese silkie chickens are particularly popular with visitors. The stable located inside the park is home to ponies. In addition, several owls and birds of prey have been placed in the park. Almost without exception, these are animals that came to us injured, and although their lives were saved, they would no longer be able to survive in the wild without human help.
Address: Budapest, District XIII, Margitsziget
Information Line: +36 1 273 4901
Opening Hours:
Open daily from spring to autumn: 10:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Closed in winter.
Admission: free entry
Location: It is located on the Danube bank facing Pest on Margitsziget, approximately equidistant between the Margit and Árpád bridges. Area: approx: 5,200 m²

Mission of the Mini Zoo
As a “decorative park animal exhibit”, it blends well with the historical ambiance of Margitsziget, which stretches from the former Island of Hares to Archduke Joseph’s aristocratic park and into the present day. Its function is to present both domestic and forest animals, as well as exotic species.
Main Functions
Displaying animals commonly found in decorative parks: fallow deer, European hare, or wild rabbit, ponies, display ducks, and display poultry.
Animal Exhibits
The Margitsziget Mini Zoo is a fenced area with transparent enclosures for displaying animals. Due to this feature, visitors can come every day of the year.
Visiting the Inner Path
About one-third of the area is open for visitors during specified hours, where up to 40 visitors (in line with the Zoo’s capacity) can freely walk along the designated paths at no charge.