Where are our bonsai trees?


It is well known among our visitors that we are not only a zoo, but also a botanical garden, with numerous interesting plant species. One of our most interesting botanical exhibits is the Japanese Garden that is established in the 1960s. The Bonsai pavilion is also located in this Japanese Garden together with the National Bonsai Collection.

Bonsai Pavilon
Bonsai Pavilon

Nowadays the most of our bonsai trees cannot be seen by the public because they are wintered in the background garden. Only a small part of our bonsai collection remained in the pavilion, and our gardeners covered these bonsai trees with wood shavings to protect their sensitive parts from the winter frosts.

Although the entire National Bonsai Collection can be seen by the general public again in the spring, there are also botanical attractions in the winter. Nevertheless, there are many botanical attractions in our Zoo during the wintertime as well. Also in the Japanese garden itself, where there are many evergreen plants, and for those who want a tropical climate and tropical plants, we recommend our tropical house.