Tickets and passes

Tickets, family tickets, group tickets and passes prices.

Surprise your loved ones with a Zoo Gift Voucher!

Payment Options

Széchenyi Pihenőkártya
(SZÉP Card)

You can also use your Széchenyi Pihenőkártya (SZÉP Card), issued by OTP, MKB, and K&H banks, to purchase Zoo entry tickets.

Due to changes at MKB Bank, the Zoo also accepts the new Széchenyi Pihenőkártya issued by MBH Bank.

SZÉP Cards can be used at our cash registers, kiosk machines, and for online purchases.

SZÉP kártya kibocsájtó bankok

Budapest Kártya (Budapest Card)

With a valid Budapest Card, you can purchase an individual entry ticket (adult, student, senior, child) to the Budapest Zoo & Botanical Garden with a 25% discount. The discount is valid until further notice and cannot be applied to group, family, or other discounted tickets. Only one discounted entry ticket can be purchased per card.

Budapest kártya

Kultúra Vouchers

Due to the change of ownership, there will be no changes in the acceptance of vouchers: starting in November, the usual vouchers will be accepted under the new name Rewin with a new design. For ticket purchases, we accept the following vouchers:

Please note that when using vouchers, we cannot return change in cash.

Kultúra utalvány

Suspension of Minicards

The cards issued in 2007 as part of the Minicards system cannot be accepted after 18 June 2017.

This decision has been made in consultation with the card-issuing company.

Of course, the newly distributed cards can still be used according to the conditions stated on them.


Bank Cards

You can pay with bank cards bearing the MasterCard or Visa logo at our ticket offices.

Bankkártyás fizetés

Cash Payment

You can pay for your Zoo entry ticket, pass, or gift card in cash at our ticket offices and ticket machines.

Cash payments are also accepted at the food and beverage outlets and the gift shop within the Zoo.

Kézpénzes fizetési lehetőség az Állatkertben