Opening hours

M-F:9am-6pm Sa-Su:9am-7pm


Adult: 5000 HUF Children:  3500 HUF

Meet the past

The Budapest Zoo and Botanical Garden is one of the oldest zoological gardens in the world: it was opened to the general public on 9 August 1866. But what traces of this 150-year old history can one discover during an ordinary visit to the zoological garden? The following chapters of our website aim to answer this question.

Walk of history

On both sides of the historic walkway, starting from the main entrance, we installed statues of some of the great past directors of the Zoo. Inscriptions have been set up in front of the statues as a reminder of the old times.

Old and prestigious buildings

Almost all of the buildings of the Zoo, the animal houses and even the fences have their own history. Most of them were designed by renowned architects.

Ages and works of art

Besides animals, plants and different buildings, there are many works of art in the garden as well. First and foremost it is the statues that deserve our attention.

Witnesses of the old times

Centuries-old trees and animals. The oldest residents of the Zoo, witnessing the history of the institution for decades.